The California WIC Card and WIC App:
Make shopping easy by using your WIC Card and WIC App together.
How to use your California WIC Card
The California WIC Card makes shopping fast and easy. Take a look at this video to find out how the WIC Card works.
One WIC Card
Use one California WIC Card for all your family's food benefits. Always use your WIC Card when shopping for WIC foods.
Get just what you need
You can shop for all of your foods at once or just a few at a time. You have 30 days to use your WIC benefits.
Benefits are not lost
You do not have to worry about losing your benefits if your WIC Card is lost or damaged.

Keep your food benefits safe on your WIC Card.
Keep your WIC information safe. Before you shop, you will set up a 4-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN). Protect your WIC Card number and PIN.
Need help with your WIC Card?
Reach out to the support phone numbers when you need to:- Change your PIN
- Get your WIC Food Balance
- Report your WIC Card as lost, stolen, or damaged
California WIC Card Customer Service:
1-844-4MY-FAMILY or 1-844-469-326424 hours a day, 7 days a week

The California WIC App
WIC Card users can download the free California WIC App to start checking food balances, appointment times, and more!
Find WIC offices and grocers.
Use the WIC App to find WIC offices and WIC authorized grocers.View your WIC Food Balance.
Check your WIC Food Balance and expiration date in the app.Scan WIC foods as you shop.
Scan foods as you shop to find your WIC approved foods.See upcoming appointments.
Never forget your WIC appointments with the WIC App.WIC App Set-Up Guide for
iPhone and AndroidDownload our helpful guidance sheets to install
the WIC App on Android phones and iPhones.
Page Last Updated: February 29, 2024