WIC App Scheduled Maintenance

The WIC App will be down for maintenance on March 16, 2025, from 4:00 a.m. until 7:00 a.m. During this time, you can get your benefit balance by calling 1-844-4MY-FAMILY or ask for a paper copy at the store. You can still use your WIC benefits at the store.

La aplicación de WIC estará fuera de servicio por mantenimiento el 16 de marzo de 2025, desde las 4:00 a.m. hasta las 7:00 a.m. Durante este tiempo, puede obtener su saldo de beneficios llamando al 1-844-4MY-FAMILY o pedir una copia impresa en la tienda. Usted puede seguir usando sus beneficios de WIC en la tienda.

Los Angeles Fires

Go to fire.ca.gov for wildfire tips and latest information. Get more info.

The Los Angeles wildfires and power outages may affect WIC families. Participants in areas with fires or power outages should call their WIC office before visiting until further notice. Find your WIC office in the California WIC App or here: WIC Office Locations

For additional information and resources visit 2025 Los Angeles Fires | CA.gov

Federal Funding Update

Families should continue to use their WIC benefits and attend their WIC appointments. WIC continues to serve families, and we’re here to support you.

For more information, visit WIC’s Federal Funding Updates webpage for updates and information.

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Mother visits clinic

WIC is committed to serving and keeping California families informed. This webpage is a resource for the latest updates and guidance on WIC services during this time. Families should continue to use their WIC benefits and attend their WIC appointments. WIC continues to serve families without any disruptions.

We understand the uncertainty families and service providers may feel as the United States Congress works to approve a federal budget for Fiscal Year 2025 (October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2025).


On December 20, 2024, the United States Congress passed a Continuing Resolution that would keep the federal government open through March 14, 2025.

If Congress does not pass a federal budget or Continuing Resolution by March 14, the federal government will shut down. This could affect many government programs and services.

What you should know

  • California WIC will continue to serve and enroll families during a federal government shutdown or a Continuing Resolution, as long as it has funding.
  • Families should continue to use their WIC benefits and attend their WIC appointments.
  • Check this website regularly for updates in case of changes during the federal government shutdown.

What you can do

  • Continue to use your WIC benefits. Use your WIC food benefits at WIC-authorized stores as usual. Your WIC food benefits can help you stretch your food dollars.
  • Keep attending your WIC appointments. Families should continue attending their scheduled WIC appointments. WIC will continue to help you get healthy foods, nutrition, breastfeeding support, and referrals.
  • Stay in contact with your WIC office. Your local WIC office can offer you direct support and guidance.

How you can stay informed

  • Check the MyFamily website. Visit this website regularly for updates and announcements. WIC will keep participants informed of any changes to services.
  • Check the California WIC App. Download and check the WIC App for alerts, appointment reminders, and your food benefits. The app is available for iPhone and Android phones.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Will my WIC food benefits stop if there is a Continuing Resolution or federal government shutdown?+

    WIC will continue to issue benefits as long as funding is available. WIC families should check this webpage for WIC funding updates if there is a government shutdown.

    Use the free California WIC App to check your food balance. If you have questions about your WIC foods, you can:

  • Will my WIC office still be open?+

    There may be changes to WIC office services if there is a prolonged government shutdown. WIC families should visit this webpage for updates on WIC funding during a government shutdown.

  • Should I still go to my scheduled appointments?+

    Yes, you should continue attending your scheduled WIC appointments. Your local WIC office will keep you informed if there are changes to your appointments.

    Call or text your local WIC office if you have questions or concerns about your WIC appointments.

  • Can I still use my WIC food benefits?+

    Yes! You should continue to use the WIC food benefits issued to you even if there is a Continuing Resolution or federal government shutdown.

    Use the free California WIC App to check your food balance before shopping.

  • Will I still be able to receive formula for my baby?+

    WIC will continue to issue formula as long as funding is available. WIC families should visit this webpage for updates on WIC funding if there is a prolonged government shutdown.

    Call or text your local WIC office if you have questions about your food balance. WIC will keep families informed of any changes to services or benefit amounts.

  • Will my food benefit amounts change?+

    Benefit amounts are set by the United States Congress and are not expected to change.

    Families should continue checking this website for updates. Families should also continue checking the California WIC App for their food balance.

  • If benefits were already issued before a federal Continuing Resolution or government shutdown, can they still be used?+

    Yes. You should continue to use your WIC food benefits at WIC-authorized stores during a Continuing Resolution or federal government shutdown. Your WIC benefits will not stop or be taken away.

    Use the California WIC App to check your food balance. If you have questions about your benefits, call your local WIC office.

  • Will I have any issues shopping for my WIC foods at the store?+

    You should have no issues shopping if a Continuing Resolution or a shutdown occurs. WIC-authorized grocers will continue to process your WIC Card transactions as usual.

  • Will the WIC Card still work if there is a Continuing Resolution or federal government shutdown?+

    Yes, your WIC Card will still work. Continue to shop for your WIC food benefits at WIC-authorized stores as normal.

    If you ever have trouble with your WIC Card, please contact the following numbers:

  • Can I still apply to WIC?+

    Yes. WIC will continue to enroll eligible families if there is a Continuing Resolution or federal government shutdown. The process of applying and enrolling with WIC remains the same.

  • What if I don’t qualify for WIC? Can I still get help?+

    If you or your family do not qualify for WIC, WIC can still help by providing referrals to other resources in the community. WIC can connect families to food programs that may assist in bridging any gaps. These programs may include:

    A Continuing Resolution or federal government shutdown may impact these other benefit programs. To get the latest information on these services, please contact the programs directly or visit their official websites.

    WIC can also offer tips and resources on ways you can save money on groceries through meal planning, couponing, shopping during food sales, and buying food in-season.

    Here are more helpful resources:

Page Last Updated: January 31, 2025

© 2024 California Department of Public Health, Women, Infants and Children Program

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