California Redemption Value (CRV) Fee
A new California law adds a 10 cents ($0.10) bottle fee to shelf-stable 64-ounce bottles of juice.
Starting January 1, 2024, a new California law will require that a ten cents ($0.10) California Redemption Value (CRV) fee is added to each purchase of shelf-stable 64 oz bottles of juice.
When using WIC benefits to purchase juice, this fee will need to be paid by the WIC shopper. This fee cannot be covered by the WIC program.
Families can receive CRV refunds when they redeem containers at a recycling center. Find a nearby recycling center here.
This new law encourages recycling and helps to keep our environment clean. Recycling your clean, empty juice bottles can make a big difference to our environment. In 2022, 19.6 billion bottles and cans were returned to recycling centers in California. Recycling bottles and cans helps keep streets cleaner and less waste in landfills.
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Page Last Updated: December 21, 2023