WIC App Scheduled Maintenance

The WIC App will be down for maintenance on March 16, 2025, from 4:00 a.m. until 7:00 a.m. During this time, you can get your benefit balance by calling 1-844-4MY-FAMILY or ask for a paper copy at the store. You can still use your WIC benefits at the store.

La aplicación de WIC estará fuera de servicio por mantenimiento el 16 de marzo de 2025, desde las 4:00 a.m. hasta las 7:00 a.m. Durante este tiempo, puede obtener su saldo de beneficios llamando al 1-844-4MY-FAMILY o pedir una copia impresa en la tienda. Usted puede seguir usando sus beneficios de WIC en la tienda.

Los Angeles Fires

Go to fire.ca.gov for wildfire tips and latest information. Get more info.

The Los Angeles wildfires and power outages may affect WIC families. Participants in areas with fires or power outages should call their WIC office before visiting until further notice. Find your WIC office in the California WIC App or here: WIC Office Locations

For additional information and resources visit 2025 Los Angeles Fires | CA.gov

Federal Funding Update

Families should continue to use their WIC benefits and attend their WIC appointments. WIC continues to serve families, and we’re here to support you.

For more information, visit WIC’s Federal Funding Updates webpage for updates and information.

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Mother holding toddler

Toddler (1 to 3 years)

Toddlers go through big changes between the age of 1 to 3 years. It can be hard to figure out why they behave the way they do or what exactly they need from you! WIC can help you understand your toddler so you can know what to expect and feel less stressed.

Getting to Know Your Toddler English (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)

Understanding Your Toddler: Tips for Making or Changing Routines English (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)

Understanding Your Toddler: Tips for Helping Toddlers Eat English (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)

Understanding Your Toddler: Tips for Helping Your Toddler Sleep English (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)

Understanding Your Toddler: Tips to Cope with Crying Toddlers English (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)

I'm One-Let's Have Fun English (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)

I'm Two-Look What I Can Do English (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)

I'm Three-Please Play with Me English (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)

Playing with Your Toddler English (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)

Choose Less Juice, More Water English (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)

Picky Eating English (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)

< Nutrition and Health / Toddler

Page Last Updated: November 15, 2024

© 2024 California Department of Public Health, Women, Infants and Children Program

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